Governance and Business Ethics

Governance and management systems

GOV-1: Governance approach

Corporate Governance at PETRONAS, pages 221-232

GOV-2: Management systems

Corporate Governance at PETRONAS, pages 221-240

Business ethics and transparency

GOV-3: Preventing corruption

Risks Linked to Creating Value, page 59 Corporate Governance at PETRONAS, page 241

GOV-4: Transparency of payments to host governments

Letter from the Executive Vice President and Group Chief Financial Officer, Page 30

Climate Change and Energy

Climate strategy and risk

CCE-1: Climate governance and strategy

Safeguard the Environment, pages 110-113

CCE-2: Climate risk and opportunities

Safeguard the Environment, pages 110-114


CCE-3: Lower carbon technology

PETRONAS Energy Transition Strategy, pages 34-37

Project Delivery and Technology, pages 92-97 Gentari, pages 98-104


CCE-4: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Safeguard the Environment, pages 115-121

Sustainability Key Performance Data, pages 198-203

CCE-5: Methane emissions

Safeguard the Environment, pages 117-118

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 201

Energy use

CCE-6: Energy use

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 203


CCE-7: Flared gas

Safeguard the Environment, pages 120-121

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 199



ENV-1: Freshwater

Safeguard the Environment, page 125

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 204

ENV-2: Discharges to water

Sustainability Key performance Data, page 204


ENV-3: biodiversity policy and strategy

Safeguard the Environment, pages 128-129

Positive Social Impact, pages 194-195

ENV-4: Protected and priority areas for biodiversity conservation

Safeguard the Environment, page 128

Air emissions

ENV-5: Emissions to air

Safeguard the Environment, page 125

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 204


ENV-6: Spills to the environment

Safeguard the Environment, page 126

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 204

Materials management

ENV-7: Materials management

Safeguard the Environment, pages 122-123

Positive Social Impact, page 157

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 204

ENV-8: Decommissioning

Safeguard the Environment, pages 127


ENV-1: Freshwater

Safeguard the Environment, pages 125

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 204

Safety, health and security

Workforce protection

SHS-1: Safety, health and security engagement

Positive Social Impact, pages 131-141

SHS-2: Workforce health

Risks Linked to Creating Value, page 66

Positive Social Impact, pages 131-141

SHS-3: Occupational injury and illness incidents

Gas, pages 80-82

Positive Social Impact, pages 131-141

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 205

Product health, safety and environmental risk

SHS-5: Product stewardship

Positive Social Impact, pages 155-158

Process safety

SHS-6: Process safety

Positive Social Impact, pages 137-139

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 205


SHS-7: Security risk management

Positive Social Impact, pages 142-146


Human rights management

SOC-1: Human rights due diligence

Material Topics, page 56

Positive Social Impact, pages 147-150

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 209

SOC-2: Suppliers and human rights

Letter from the Vice President and Chief

Sustainability Officer, pages 32-33

Positive Social Impact, pages 147-150

SOC-3: Security and human rights

Positive Social Impact, pages 142-144 and 147-150

Labour practices

SOC-4: Site-based labour practices and worker accommodation

Positive Social Impact, pages 147 and 154

SOC-5: Workforce diversity and inclusion

Positive Social Impact, pages 172-181

Sustainability Key Performance Data, pages 206-208

SOC-6: Workforce engagement

Engaging with Stakeholders, page 47

Positive Social Impact, pages 159-171

SOC-7: Workforce training and development

Positive Social Impact, pages 159-171

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 209

SOC-8: Workforce non-retaliation and grievance mechanisms

Positive Social Impact, pages 147-150

Community engagement

SOC-9: Local community impacts and engagement

Engaging with Stakeholders, page 51

Positive Social Impact, pages 182-197

SOC-10: Indigenous peoples

Positive Social Impact, pages 147-150 and 182-197

SOC-11: Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement

Positive Social Impact, pages 147-150

SOC-12: Community grievance mechanisms

Positive Social Impact, page 149

SOC-13: Social investment

Other Businesses, page 106

Positive Social Impact, page 169

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 209

Local content

SOC-14: Local procurement and supplier development

Engaging with Stakeholders, page 47

Other businesses, page 169

Positive Social Impact, pages 214-215

SOC-15: Local hiring practices

Positive Social Impact, pages 147-148 and 179

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 208